Re: Swap Files

Richard B. Johnson (
Sat, 18 Jan 1997 10:37:26 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Andrew E. Mileski wrote:

> I find this annoying: at shutdown, swapfiles are never turned off.
> This keeps the partiton busy, and hence it needs to be fsck'ed at
> next boot.
> Should something be put into the kernel shutdown to release all
> swap files and umount all fs?

My shutdown script does a 'swapoff -a'.
Further, the same script unmounts all file-systems "/etc/rc.d/rc.0"....
I don't think that the problem you are having is caused by this. Instead,
You probably have a task with an open FD that refuses to die during
shutdown. You can emulate exactly what should occur upon shutdown from
the keyboard (console, not over the network).

# kill -TERM -1
# sync
# kill -KILL -1
# cd /
# swapoff -a
# umount -a

Although the system is still "alive", you can hit the reboot switch or
turn the power off with no effect upon the file-systems that have been
safely put to bed.

On your next boot, they will be mounted immediately after fsck sees that
they were properly dismounted.

Dick Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
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