Re: Recipe for disaster

Henning Schmiedehausen (
27 Jun 1996 11:41:37 +0200 (Michiel Boland) writes:

>I don't know what's wrong, except that of course the client
>should close the socket. But I would not think that bad code
>such as this should actually lock up a machine.

>Pressing shift-ScrollLock several times reveals that the kernel
>is apparently in some sort of network buffer allocating loop.

>The crash occurs with at least four different kernels. For what
>it's worth, it also happens with 1.99.8 and 1.99.12. It does not
>happen with 1.2.13 (with 1.2, the client is blocked forever when
>it calls connect() the 2nd time).

Right after finishing the client, this also happens with 1.3.100.

I still could ping my machine and got a 'connected to host' message
from a telnet to the machine but no more console switching, shutting
down or stuff. Definitely introduced before 1.3.100.


Henning Schmiedehausen       ...side by side in orbit... around a fairer SUN.

Der Mann hat nicht schlecht, sondern ueberhaupt nicht gepfiffen. Das ist schon ein Unterschied. Benachteiligt wurde niemand, nur das Spiel selbst. -- Lutz Frommberger ueber das EM Viertelfinale Deutschland - Kroatien