Re: Re-nice kswapd B-)

Andrew E. Mileski (
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 09:14:46 -0400 (EDT)

> >I guess this is another case of:
> > Root wants to shoot himself in the foot; do we:
> > a) supply the gun, or
> > b) return -EPERM and slap him in the head.
> >Take your pick.
> During system configuration, we will ask whether the kernel
> should supply a pistol, shotgun, machine gun, or anti-aircraft gun.
> Each gun may be compiled into the kernel, or loaded as a module
> (manually or by kerneld). If multiple guns are configured, the
> "tunegun" command may be used to select the primary gun at runtime.
> There will be a kerneld facility to play a user-specified sound effect
> on /dev/audio whenever a gun is fired.
> Craig Milo Rogers

Oh I get it...DOOM isn't a game, it's a config util! :-)

What about CONFIG_BFG?

Andrew E. Mileski      My home page
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