Re: [patch 2.6.18-rc1-git] rtc-acpi, with wakeup support

From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Mon Jul 24 2006 - 18:23:40 EST

Hi David.

On Tuesday 25 July 2006 05:44, David Brownell wrote:
> Hmm, so -- any comments? This applies just fine to RC2 of course
> (it came out minutes before RC2 "shipped"). Seems to me this would
> be appropriate for the next MM release.

Didn't notice it before now. I'll forward your message to suspend2-devel (we
have people there who might be interested), and try it myself.

> Also, given some mechanism to tell whether this alarm woke the system,
> this would seem to be the kind of infrastructure needed to make the
> "deepening suspend" work correctly. That is, idle system enters the
> light weight "standby" powersave mode, then if it stays idle for long
> enough for the timer to wake it could enter suspend-to-RAM (or that
> new "suspend-to-both" mode). There's certainly enough idle time on
> most laptops for such mechanisms to help save significant amounts of
> battery power, and it's best if such things don't explicitly depend
> on features like ACPI.

Yes. I'll look at it with a view to seeing if we can use it in Suspend2. I get
requests for it from time to time, and it would be good to finally be able to
do it.



Nigel, Michelle and Alisdair Cunningham
5 Mitchell Street
Cobden 3266
Victoria, Australia

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