Re: Burning CD's and 2.6.9

From: Glendon Gross
Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 22:53:25 EST

When I initially posted the problem, I had no /dev/hdc device but now I have cleared that up by commenting out
the "append hdc=ide-scsi" line in /etc/lilo.conf. I still need to do more testing to determine the cause of the lockups
I have been getting when trying to burn CD's under 2.6.9 with cdrecord. I may be using the wrong version of
cdrecord, but I noticed that the syntax "cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc" does work, and is able to talk to the DVD writer.


Glendon Gross

Jan Dittmer wrote:

Glendon Gross wrote:

I just built 2.6.9 and have been playing with the config to try to enable
support for my EMPREX 8x DVD burner. It works exceptionally well under
2.4.26. I can use cdrecord and also growisofs to make audio and data

I've set up a lilo config menu to boot 2.6.9 or 2.4.26 because the device
is not recognized under 2.6.9. When it is recognized, I get a warning
that ide-scsi is deprecated for cd recording.

You haven't stated what's wrong with 2.6.9. You know that you can
just use cdrecord dev=/dev/<your ide device name> in 2.6? Without
any SCSI mid-layer. Do you have a specific problem with that?


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