Re: The argument for fs assistance in handling archives (was: silent semantic changes with reiser4)

From: Tonnerre
Date: Mon Sep 06 2004 - 03:59:03 EST


On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 10:05:34AM +0200, Spam wrote:
> Then it is good. Just I see no programs other than Gnome or KDE apps
> that are using them.

Because KDE people hate Gnome people and vice versa, and because the
rest of the world just neglects the two races for political reasons.

Maybe the Freedesktop project should provide some convenient
specification/code to do it. Like they do for HAL and DBUS (Please
note that this is something interesting because it does clever things
on hardware without requiring to patch the kernel.)

> > In case of marketing it's up to the distributions to provide
> > something concise so everyone can use their programs through a
> > coherent namespace. (I.e. port all the apps they ship to gnome-vfs
> > or kio).
> Do you really believe this will happen?

If the distributors really want to be able to gain money, and if the
Free Unix community wants to gain a significant market share, this is
supposed to happen. It's the question of whether we can ignore our
childish concept wars, or if we're always going to stay at that low
level we're at now.

Actually, this can't be fixed by putting everything into the kernel.


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