Re: khttpd rotten?

From: Dan Kegel (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 21:39:42 EST

"David S. Miller" wrote:
> From: Dan Kegel <>
> Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 17:28:37 -0700
> If I didn't need it for a demo this week (don't ask), I
> wouldn't be messing with khttpd; I'd be switching to Tux.
> Seems like it's time to either fix khttpd or pull it from the kernel.
> We are going to pull it from the kernel.
> The only argument is whether to replace it with TUX or not.
> There is a lot of compelling evidence that suggests that
> reasonably close performance can be obtained in userspace.
> I guess the decision on TUX is not a prerequisite for pulling
> khttpd though.

Right. If khttpd had been pulled from 2.4.17, I would have
had weeks of warning that khttpd is unstable; instead, I learned
only when someone started doing his own stress testing, and I
have little time to fix it. I say pull it from
2.4.19-pre9. Marcello, put it out of its misery asap, please...
it'd time for khttpd to become a standalone patch again.
- Dan
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