Re: khttpd rotten?

From: David S. Miller (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 21:14:22 EST

   From: Dan Kegel <>
   Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 17:28:37 -0700
   If I didn't need it for a demo this week (don't ask), I
   wouldn't be messing with khttpd; I'd be switching to Tux.
   Seems like it's time to either fix khttpd or pull it from the kernel.
We are going to pull it from the kernel.

The only argument is whether to replace it with TUX or not.
There is a lot of compelling evidence that suggests that
reasonably close performance can be obtained in userspace.

I guess the decision on TUX is not a prerequisite for pulling
khttpd though.
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