RE: 512 Mb DIMM not detected by the BIOS!

From: Wojtek Pilorz (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 06:17:10 EST

On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, Daniel J Blueman wrote:

> Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 21:25:44 -0000
> From: Daniel J Blueman <>
> To: 'Benny Sjostrand' <>,
> Subject: RE: 512 Mb DIMM not detected by the BIOS!
> Hey Benny,
> This is a chipset problem. Chipsets support up to x CAS (column) lines
> and y RAS (row) lines, and depending on your DIMM memory module layout
> and configuration, you 512MB DIMM will be detected as a different sized
> module.
> Eg. The venerable Intel 440BX (PII) chipset supports a max of 256MB per
> slot. Ah well.

I had similar problem - on an Intel 440BX based motherboard (ABIT BX-133
RAID) the 256MB DIMMs I originally got were only 'half-detected' (e.g. I
got only 128MB from each one); These DIMMs were working OK on some
VIA-based systems; after changing them to a different type (both old and
new were ECC DIMMs from Kingston, just different type) they are working

I it could be of any help, I can find the part numbers/names of my DIMMs.

> Since it's a chipset (ie hardware) issue, it's not possible to work
> around this problem - you need a newer chipset. Sorry.
Or maybe another DIMM type - at least I was able to successfully use 256MB
DIMMs of appropriate type.

I also don't think kernel tricks would not get back the lost memory here.

> Dan
> ____________________
> Daniel J Blueman
> > I'm new to this mailinglist so please tellme if you think i'm "out of
> > topoic".
> >
> > I've have trouble with the following issue:
> > On two x86 machines, one AMD k62 and a Pentium the Bios dont wont to
> > detect properly a 512 MB PC133 DIMM, the K62 based it dont
> > detect it at
> > all, and on the PII it detect it as a 128MB DIMM.
> > I suspect that's the BIOS that "sucks", not the HW, i supose
> > that the HW
> > is capable to deal with 512MB DIMM's, so my question to you
> > "kernel-gurus", is there any posibility to configure the
> > Linux kernel to
> > bypass the BIOS and actually use my 512MB ?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > /Benny

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