Re: [OT?] SuSe kernel

From: Stefan Reinauer (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 06:01:17 EST

* Samuel Maftoul <> [011211 19:30]:
> In SuSe's kernel there is a nice feature but I cannot found where is
> the code that does it and so I cannot play with it 8-).
> The thing I'm talking about is grpahical boot + graphical first console.
> I glanced at include/asm-i386/linux_logo.h but it doesn't differ.
> Can someone help me ?
> Sam

The boot splash patch I made for SuSE allows you to use any jpg picture
as a background console. You can define the text area freely on this

Have a look at to find the latest
patches. Currently they only apply against a kernel already patched with
bootlogo version patch by Gerard Sharp <> (this patch can
be downloaded from above location, too)

Any ideas/bug reports are welcome!

Best regards,
  Stefan Reinauer

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