Differences between 2.2.x and 2.4.x initrd

From: Ben Collins (bcollins@debian.org)
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 14:39:48 EST

I've come across a difference in how initrd is handled in 2.2.x and
2.4.x. This related directly to TILO (sparc TFTP image with ramdisk).

Basically what we have is a kernel image with ramdisk and initrd
enabled, and a root disk image slapped on the end that is loaded via

On 2.2.x, this works without problems; the ramdisk is loaded, and
/sbin/init is executed. However, with 2.4.x, it's quite different.

It loads the initial ramdisk, mounts it fine, tries to execute /linuxrc
(same as in 2.2.x, but it isn't there, so it continues), and then
complains with this:

VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
VFS: Cannot open root device "" or 02:00

For some reason it is trying to mount /dev/fd, and totally forgets
about /dev/ram. If I pass root=/dev/ram to the command line, it works
fine, but I don't want to have to do this :)

I can't seem to find the relevant place where this broke. Any ideas?

/                   Ben Collins    --    Debian GNU/Linux                  \
`  bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bcollins@linux.com  '
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