BUG: Plextor SCSI CD-ROM and multi-session CD's

From: Antonio Miguel F. M. Trindade (trindade@student.dei.uc.pt)
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 08:32:37 EST

   I have found a bug in the SCSI CD-ROM support today. I have a Plextor
PX32-TSi (32x speed) SCSI CD-ROM attached to a Symbios 53c815 with SCSI
driver ncr53c8xx .I am running kernel 2.2.14 and, after activanting the
"Enable vendor-specific extensions (for SCSI CDROM)" option, and after
rebooting with the new kernel, the df command only reported the size of
the last session of that CD.

   Before activating that option, by the way, I could only see the first
session of the CD.

|Linux RuleZ Linux RuleZ Linux R| F.C.T. da Universidade de Coimbra |
|ux RuleZ Linux RuleZ Linux Rule| Antonio Miguel Ferreira Marques Trindade |
|Jean-Michel Jarre is very cool!| Coimbra, PORTUGAL |
| E-mail address: trindade@student.dei.uc.pt |2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/|

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