Re: Linux for PPC - kernels 2.2 and 2.3

From: BenH (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 19:04:44 EST

On Wed, Jan 12, 2000, Peter Hunter <> wrote:

>Hmmmm.... I just tried recompiling the vanilla tree (2.2.14) and it won't
>compile without my patch. Can you explain how pmac_setup.c can compile
>without the patch? On my machine, it can't find ISA_DMA_THRESHOLD.
>Is there stuff I can do to help to merge the new 2.3.x stuff for PPC
>without extensive knowledge of kernel internals? I'm learning but still
>have a long way to go in understanding the kernel.

This is an old gremlin that should have been fixed for a long time... It
happens only, I think, when CONFIG_SCSI is not set, or something like
that. Basically, it never happens on our usual configurations, that's why
none of us never submited a patch for this.

I'll try to get this one fixed in my tree when I'm back on it so that
it's merged along with my bunch of new Macs patches.

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