James Simmons (
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 10:11:54 -0500 (EST)

> Hello,
> I have a Rage Fury (AGP) and an Xpert@Play (PCI) in my computer.
> for the first time, I managed compiling aty128fb on my 686, but I don't know
> how to use it...

Did you get the boot penguin? If you have that driver compiled into the
kernel then you will have graphical console support.

> First of all, I don't know if it is possible to have two fb?

Yes. You can have up to 8. I have 5 cards in my system.

> With lilo, every attempt I do ends with the detection of Rage Pro and hangs
> the
> boot process... but turn on my second monitor that is plugged on the PCI
> card.
> What option should I give at boot?

First what video cards do you have in your system? Also what framebuffer
devices are you compiling into your system?

Note the console code for linux doesn't support real multiheads. In linux
you have 32 virtual consoles. Now if you compile in more than one
framebuffer device only one of these devices are actually used for fbcon.
After you boot you have to use a utility called con2fb which maps a set of
the VCs to the second framebuffer device. Then you have close to
multiheaded support :)

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