Re: 2.2.x corruption solved (Was Re: Statically linked 'tar')

Guest section DW (
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 22:40:36 +0200 (MET DST)

From: Andrea Arcangeli <>

?On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Martin Lucina wrote:

>Actually, I've figured it out now. What happened was that when I was
>installing the box, 'fdisk' somehow gave me a default end cylinder for the
>last partition on the disklabel which was actually one cylinder past the
>end of the disk. Hence the mysterious crash every time I did a make install

Ahhh I created a bogus partition on my machine too due the fdisk bug!
After some time the kernel crashed and I destroyed all partitions of my
hard disk. _all_. Note that the partition table was still fine. Only the
contents of the partitons (superblocks mainly) was completly screwed up.


Mailing me instead of the author is more effective.

This sounds like a bug I fixed eight months ago or so.
Are you using an old fdisk?

Andries -

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