2.2.x corruption solved (Was Re: Statically linked 'tar')

Martin Lucina (mato@nz.eds.com)
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 09:28:28 +1300

On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 11:29:21AM +0200, Bart Warmerdam wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 10:55:26AM +1300, Martin Lucina wrote:
> > On Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 08:18:32PM +0200, Bart Warmerdam wrote:
> > > On Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 12:15:19PM +1300, Martin Lucina wrote:
> >
> > The crash was quite bizzare also, I've been running kernel 2.2.9 for
> > ages now but when I did a 'make install' of XFree86 4.0 I just got
> > massive filesystem corruption. Doing a 'badblocks' check on /usr
> > afterwards didn't find anything so either I've got a weird hardware
> > problem or it's the kernel.
> The fs-corruption was teckled in 2.2.12 AFAIK. So this is a kernel thing
> if you'd ask me.

Actually, I've figured it out now. What happened was that when I was
installing the box, 'fdisk' somehow gave me a default end cylinder for the
last partition on the disklabel which was actually one cylinder past the
end of the disk. Hence the mysterious crash every time I did a make install
of XFree86 (since this causes lots of disk accesses).

I booted into NetBSD from floppy and their disklabel immediately pointed
out that 'partition f extends beyond end of unit'. So I rewrote the
disklabel, restored from backup and all seems fine now. The moral of this
story is, fdisk sucks and it needs to be rewritten to properly support
PC partitions/BSD disklabels/whatever.


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