Re: The great alpha compile warning hunt

Sean Hunter (
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 21:19:39 +0100

On Sat, Jul 24, 1999 at 01:55:54PM -0400, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
> [various people]
> >> You cast to an unsigned int: (unsigned)sizeof(foo)
> >
> > I don't think this is the right way. Either you keep the full 64
> > bits, or you lose valuable debugging info that the printk was put
> There is no way the printk() will ever be called. If the sizeof()
> operator returns a result that won't fit in 32 bits, you will need
> over 4 GB to boot your kernel. Your compile will most likely fail.

Wow! Amazing. I think you're missing the nut. The sizeof operator
is not sending back a wrong argument, but the variable could be
getting trashed. You also could be attempting to printk a size_t of
something big in userspace eg, the coda fs guys do a lot of printk's
of the size of stuff on the coda server. Now the server is in
userspace across the network. All kinds of things could trash the
size_t. If you silently truncate it you severly limit its usefulness
as a diagnostic aid. This has _nothing_ to do with having 4GB data
structures in your kernel.

> > Firstly, I don't think "printk" latency is a real performance
> It is microscopic, but why pay it for zero benefit?

Its not zero benefit, its portability, and correctness, and a

> > issue (also my patch doesn't add overhead). Secondly, I don't think
> > an extra character in the format string is a loss compared with doing
> same as above, but this is worse
> >> This is not good. Every printk() with the problem ends up with
> >> an extra character in the format string and possibly extra overhead.
> >> For what? So you can have a 5 GB structure in kernel space?
> >
> > So you can see when the top half of a 64 bit pointer has been trashed.
> If the top half of sizeof() gets trashed, your compiler is broken.
> The compiler will crash. You should report this to the gcc maintainers.

Not the sizeof().

> BTW, one should use %p for pointers, not %zd.

This isn't about printing pointers (I know about %p). Its about

> If it is the explicit cast you object to, you can try this hack:
> #define sizeof (unsigned)sizeof

Great, now my Alpha is restricted to the size_t of intel. Very


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