2.2.10-ac4: typo in sysctl.c ?

Willy Tarreau (willy@novworld.Novecom.Fr)
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 07:49:25 +0200 (CEST)

Hi !

I think there is a typo in 2.2.10-ac4 (quick copy-paste?), file
kernel/sysctl.c, line 216 :

{KERN_SHMMAX, "sysrq", &sysrq_enabled, sizeof (int),
0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec},

IMO, KERN_SHMMAX (34) should be replaced with KERN_SYSRQ (38) which has
been added to sysctl.h for this.

If I'm wrong, then please excuse me.


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