Re: WevDAV anyone?

Edward S. Marshall (
Sat, 26 Jun 1999 14:33:34 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Christian Scholz wrote:
> I am not wondering if anyone wants to do something like that under
> Linux (means, writing a webdav filesystem which acts as a client.
> A webdav server in addition to NFS would maybe also be interesting
> but maybe not that important..)

A modified user-space NFS server might do what you want (essentially,
re-export the WebDAV filesystem as an NFS filesystem). But good luck
supporting all the extra file properties that DAV gives you in a clear
manner (every file as a directory, perhaps, with properties represented as
files under there, with a special file named "data" or somesuch that
represents the data associated with that object? Just a thought...).

Alternatively, you might look at the virtual filesystem work done with
Midnight Commander and GNOME; the following URL has a brief overview:

Those would be good proof-of-concept designs, before going about bloating
the kernel with something that might not end up being incredibly useful.
Show that it works, then integrate with the kernel if a userspace setup
proves to be unacceptable.

Edward S. Marshall <>       [ What goes up, must come down. ]               [ Ask any system administrator. ]

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