Console driver

Igor Abramov (
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 16:39:56 +0400


a friend if me, is interested in adding to Linux ability of having several
(2-4) workplaces on single machine. On hardware side this mean putting
several video cards into the machine (supported at least by some cards),
several mice (not a problem even now), several keboards (only USB
solution comes to mind). Actually his goal is to reduce cost of workplace in
university classroom.

The problem is with console driver which assumes that there is only one
hardware console (Am I missing something ?). So my idea is to
redesign and reimplement console driver to support several hardware
consoles. Solving the original problem may require some minor changes
in XF86 and keyboard drivers, but I do not see much work here.

1) Is this idea wrong ?
2) Is anybody working on something similar already ?
3) Any suggestions/ideas especially on the new driver interface ?
4) Who is maintaning console driver ?


PS: please CC me at

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