Re: Profanity in the Linux Kernel?!?!?

Stephen Frost (
Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:01:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Horst von Brand wrote:

> OK, so you have a point. How about looking around for comments or printk's
> that arent't clear enough (foul language or not) and proposing patches, or
> at least asking the relevant maintainers or this list what the
> message/comment should say and asking for clarification? Call it "Kernel
> Language Spring Cleaning Project" (KLSC for short, so it's a 4-letter word ;-)
> Bitching here about foul language in general doesn't get the kernel anywhere.

Except that you all havn't been looking at actual kernel code. Here's
an actual segment of code from the kernel (arch/sparc64/kernel/traps.c):

printk("SHIT[%s:%d]: "
"(PP[%016lx] CACH[%016lx] CTX[%x] g1g3[%016lx] g2[%016lx]) ",
current->comm, current->pid,
pgd_phys, pgd_cache, ctx, g1_or_g3, g2);
printk("SHIT[%s:%d]: "
"[PP[%016lx] CACH[%016lx] CTX[%x:%x]] PC[%016lx:%016lx]\n",
current->comm, current->pid,
current->mm->context & 0x3ff,
regs->tpc, regs->tnpc);

As you can see, LOTS of info is printed out. I don't really follow what
it all means, except the 'SHIT', which happily tells me something BAD happened. :)
Of course, for all I know 'SHIT' could be a valid reister. ;)


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