Re: Hash functions (was Re: 2.2.6_andrea2.bz2)

Andrea Arcangeli (
Sun, 9 May 1999 16:09:51 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 9 May 1999, Peter Steiner wrote:

>to get an almost prime near the golden ratio. Later it changed to
>2654435761 which is a real prime (read Chucks page, section "A Little


[ cutted math ]

[Many thanks for your very clear math explanation! I liked it very much ;)]

>At this point it should be clear, why M doesn't need to be a prime. It

That was my point too. The original multiplyer was a not prime number
(neither it was an integer). And our whole trick in multiplying the
original multiplier for 2^BITS_PER_LONG is to workaround the fact that we
use integer and not floating point registers to do the calc.

So as far as the original fract-magic-number was the best, according to me
the exact value of 2^32*m should be the best multiplier too.

>represents a number between 0 and 1 which obviously never is a prime at

Exactly ;).

>However, according to Chuck's benchmarks SHIFT = (32 - HASH_BITS) does
>not necessarily give the best results. It's often better to to use a
>SHIFT smaller than (32 - HASH_BITS).

Fine I have nothing against taking a different path. But it must be clear
that doing that we are _not_ using the plain mul-method.

>I really don't understand why. For example the hashfn for SHIFT=11
>(best SHIFT for the buffer cache) could be written as ('normalized'):
> i = (hash * 0x1BBCD880 ) >> (32 - HASH_BITS)
>This is not even near the golden ratio nor in one of Knuth's
>recommended intervals...

I don't follow you in this last point. Where does 0x1BBCD880 came from?
And what is `hash'? The input of the hashfn of buffers are blocks and dev.

Andrea Arcangeli

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