Re: softupdates and ext2

Trevor Johnson (
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 04:11:10 -0500 (EST)

> I made some benchs and it seems rather fast (about 5 to 10% slower than
> the async mount, which is what Linux does).

It does that by default, but (for ext2 at least) you can mount with the
"sync" option to have at least the metadata written synchronously. It is
much slower than the asynchronous way, but I would do it if the unclean
shutdowns couldn't be prevented.

> Here is my problem: we have here several Linux PC in hostile environment
> (students) and they are often uncleanly rebooted. The Sun Solaris
> stations nearly always recover automatically, but the Linux stations
> often require a manual root intervention. This upsets our sysadmin.
Trevor Johnson

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