(RESOLVED) lp troubles

Alexandre Hautequest (hquest@linuxbr.com.br)
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:20:10 -0300

Hi all.

This weekend i've solved my big printing trouble.

What i did? Well, i don't understand why, but i've just removed the devs
package, installed it again, removed the lp? devs, created them again with
mknod. Inacreditibily, works. Why? I really don't know. But now it working.
I don't touch my printcap, nor my printing subsystem. The only thing that
stop to work (from 2.2.0-final to 2.2.1) is the printer detection.

I will try this night with 2.2.2, to see what happens, and i will see the
printing subsystem diffs from the kernel versions, to find some tip in
printer detection.

Thanks all guys for tips and tricks.

Alexandre Hautequest
ICQ 8563517
"When I'm on the road, I'm indestructible. No one can stop me. But they

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