Re: User vs. Kernel (was: To be smug, or not to be smug, that is the

Jamie Lokier (
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:27:01 +0000

Anthony Barbachan wrote:

> It appears to me that the only efficient way of implementing an event
> based API would be if an assigned function in a user's program were
> called whenever data became available for a particular file handle
> being monitored. For example if a driver finished retrieving data
> from a device, in an efficient event based model, it would then call
> whatever function in a user space program was assigned to that event
> on that filehandle passing it the data so that it can be processed
> immediately or semi-immediately (having the function processed as soon
> as the process makes its way through the scheduler). And for this
> implementation I do not see how you could implement this in user
> space.

There is a mechanism in Linux for this, added a few months ago.
See fcntl(fd, F_SETSIG, ...) and real time signals.

-- Jamie

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