2.2.0-pre7 weirdness

Michael K Vance (mkv102@psu.edu)
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 21:17:19 -0500

Was debugging some code today using ddd/gdb. Typed 'where' in the console
window of ddd and was treated to gdb hogging the entire system as it quickly
ran through about 800 call stack printouts, then slowly printed out about 1
every 20 seconds or so. Ctrl-Alt-BkSp was unresponsive, as well as the switch
to VT keys. The mouse pointer was frozen as the ddd cursor, but I could move
it, and all keyboard support was dead (Ctrl-C, etc.). The weird thing is that
my little dock apps wmmon and wmtime continued to work fine.

At around call stack depth 17000, I rebooted the machine (on/off).

If anyone is interested in additional info, let me know.


"We watched her fall over and lay down,
 shouting the poetic truths of high school journal keepers."
 -- Lee Rinaldo, Sonic Youth

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