2.2.0-pre4 - pre6 xconfig

Ralf Sieger (sieger@gmx.net)
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 23:15:28 +0100 (CET)

Testing the new pre6 kernel I found out some oddities:
- I'm missing a scrollbar in the main window of xconfig.
My screen 1024x768 is not nig enough for the whole menu
and there are no scrollers to help. Just <next> in each menu... :(
- ATA2/Support help has a wrong topic
- saying no to modules don't disables the < >m option in all menues
- QIC-o2 tape support under mice section. why?
- so as the watchdog support. why?

Could someone with more TCL/TC experience fixe this, please?


/ | ' \ Yup that's what I like ....
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- Learn from your parents' mistakes - use birth control!
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