Re: patents, money, talent, and the GPL

Olaf Titz (
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 10:09:42 +0100

> I've been told (more or less) by US patent laywer that for $25K, you
> can more or less patent anything.... (you just make it look different
> to things that have come before, whether or not it really is).

Wasn't there a compression patent held by IBM for which an earlier
patent on exactly the same algorithm already exists?

> > Doesn't the leader in over-the-top business aggression, Microsoft,
> > have a patent on using XOR to toggle a cursor?

Actually it wasn't Microsoft but a tiny video graphics equipment
manufacturer from the 70s, the patent was later acquired by HP. The
essence of the patent, however, was hardware split-screen and panning,
in a way every VGA can do (and the Atari 400/800 display list
processor already could). They claimed IBM and other big players paid

> > The Patent Office would thank us.
> No they won't -- they make money from patents. Presumably the more

At least they have stopped accepting perpetuum mobile entries, or so
the saying goes...


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