2.1.129 Scheduling Issue?

Michael K Vance (mkv102@psu.edu)
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 18:55:11 -0500

Hello all,

Forgive me, I'm just starting the development kernel journey, so haven't quite
hashed out yet how a proper bug/anomaly report should be made. I will attempt
a description of what happenned, though, in the hope that it is helpful.

I was using my standard workspace--Window Manager, Netscape, XEmacs, PPP,
rxvt, xscreensaver, some dock applets, etc. I was also (and this would seem to
be the anomaly) was building glibc-2.0.103 in the background. It reached a
simple 'mv ...' statement, and froze, and I watched my CPU meter (wmmon)
slowly climb and climb, till I had about eight load lines. During this time
all commands basically froze to a snail's pace... some attempts at 'ps', 'su',
and 'ls', and 'top'. My window manager retained complete responsiveness,
however. Eventually I was able to get 'top' running, and saw that two
instances of 'bash' were taking up 46% and 44% or so of the CPU. I killed
both, but then 'init' simply took over 98% or so of the CPU. Killing my window
manager (?) seemed to fix all of this.


2.1.129 clean with SMP commented out
Pentium 233-MMX w/64mb RAM, 80mb swap
Originally a Red Hat 5.0 distro, but bears little resemblance to that now...

If a config/anything else is helpful, let me know.


"Up above aliens hover making home movies for the folks back home, of all
these weird creatures who lock up their spirits, drill holes in themselves
and live for their secrets. They're all uptight." -Thom Yorke, Radiohead

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