Re: halted system still working as router.

Chris Wedgwood (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 10:11:38 +1300

On Mon, Nov 09, 1998 at 12:22:04PM +0100, Rogier Wolff wrote:

> Mailing List Account wrote:

[Doh... must fix that]

> > Why not have something like init/shutdown.c to shutdown drivers on
> > halt/shutdown, in lifo order probably?
> SuSE does this. (Forget Red Hat, use SuSE :-)
> Roger.
> P.S.: Please don't start discussing one distr versus another. Everyone
> has his preference. I made mine clear, I know you have yours. The fact
> that SuSE does it right, demonstrates that this has nothing to do with
> the kernel. Feel free to discuss further elsewhere.

SuSE does this the same way Debian does I assume - that is assume
everything is module and yank the modules before halting?

Now, we allow monolithic (non-module I mean here) kernels, so thats
fails here, and for these kernels we do init all the drivers from
more or less the same place, which in almost all cases simply runs
the same code as the init_module code anyhow, so it would seem
consistent that we also have the ability to `de-init' modules, no?


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