RDTSC (was Re: FreeBSD & Linux)

Tigran Aivazian (tigran@sco.COM)
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 09:45:52 +0000 (GMT)

You wrote:
> ps: anyone have a better inline asm for rdtsc? The above was constructed
> after minimal reading of the gcc info files. I'd like something that looks
> like a function that returns the time ("var = cc()").

Sure thing! (I stole it from somewhere - can't remember):

#define get_profiler_timestamp() \
( { \
register unsigned long long __res; \
asm volatile ("rdtsc" : "=A"(__res)); \
__res; \
} )

------ -------- --------- -------- -- - -- ---- --
Tigran A. Aivazian | http://www.sco.com
Escalations Research Group | tel: +44-(0)1923-813796
Santa Cruz Operation Ltd | Email: tigran@sco.com

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