Linus is on a powertrip..

Aaron Tiensivu (
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 18:09:04 -0400

> This is _exactly_ the same thing that made me hate vger when it came to
> networking patches. And I'm going to ask David once again to just shut
> vger down, because these problems keep on happening.
> Linus

You do realize that your powertrip lately is really hurting Linux development.
Linux has been getting a bunch of good press lately (finally) but if this
ego/head-in-sand/etc trend continues.. 2.2 will never go out the door and we'll
have this buggy heap called 2.1 still around. 2.1 has been drawn out too long
and people are bailing ship left and right over stupid arguements.

Jitterbug flopped.. vger is now flopping.. you've already lost some damn good
IDE coders, and I'm sure you're going to lose more at this rate.

I hate writing a message sounding like this but I think it should be said.

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