64 bit PCI and Linux

Gerard Roudier (groudier@club-internet.fr)
Sun, 23 Aug 1998 22:20:56 +0200 (MET DST)


I am currently writing some code that is intended to support the
SYMBIOS 53C896 64 bit PCI SCSI controller.
As you know, 64 bit PCI devices may use 64 bit address registers.

This PCI device is using the following ones:

- Register 10-13h
Base Address Register Zero (I/O)
- Register 14-1Bh (64 bit)
Base Address Register One (MMIO)
- Register 1C-23h (64 bit)
Base Address Register Two (RAM 8k)

If I assume (probably wrongly) that each architecture provides a set
of PCI BIOS compatible services, I can easily deal with address registers
for the SYM53C896 (even on a 32 bit PCI BUS where such a chip may be
installed). But, AFAIK, linux-2.1 uses a new interface for PCI
configuration accesses that is neither PCI BIOS - like, nor compatible.

I have some questions:

1 - Which is the right kernel interface to use for 64 bit PCI and how must
I use it for accessing the address registers of this PCI device.
2 - How much ready for 64 bit bit devices is Linux ?

Thanks in advance for reponding to these questions.


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