Re: kill -9 <pid of X>

Jon M. Taylor (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 16:50:42 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Bernd Harries wrote:

> Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
> > With OS protection, most junk is stable. It is much cheaper to
> > use a bit of kernel memory than it is to buy proper hardware.
> > So far, only one example of proper hardware has been given,
> > and I can't find it at
> But it's less fun than to smash the crappy hardware witha big hammer.

But it is a lot more useful. I don't want to smash my old
hardware. I want to use it.

> Although hardware accesses do belong into the kernel in Unixes it does
> not automatically mean that the kernel HAS to fix hardware bugs.

Well, I guess, but you'd think that the extra stability would be
desireable, wouldn't you? I certainly would.

> If you
> want it to, write a workaround. You have the source.

I do, and I do. I just put it in the driver in the OS where it
belongs. Apps should not have to worry about crap like that.

> How big shit most PC graphics cards are can be seen from the point that
> they don't have a FIFO EMPTY IRQ condition... You must poll it.

The newer ones do, actually. IIRC, CL-546x chipsets can interrupt
on vertical blank, FIFO empty, FIFO full, clipping violation, and accel
done. Other cards have some or all of these features. None are as good
as properly designed workstation hardware - they still lack a priviledged
instruction set, hardware contexts, command interruptability, and the huge
FIFOs that the big iron has.

Without the full set of proper features, the use that can be made
out of these interrupts is a lot more limited. But even so, a lot of
useful stuff can still be done, and it would be nice to be able to do so.


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