Re: kill -9 <pid of X>

Albert D. Cahalan (
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 22:23:11 -0400 (EDT)

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH writes:
> "Albert D. Cahalan" writes:
>> Jes Sorensen writes:

>>> drivers. You have been told a million times here that acceleration
>>> belongs in user space and still you insist on putting it in the
>>> kernel where it does not belong.
>> Shut up, you elitist 680x0 user.
> My, such a cogent argument.

It was well deserved, considering the part of the post you trimmed.
He told us all to get better hardware (obviously the Amiga) or just
live in hell with our PC hardware.

If people had standardized on the Amiga, the world _might_ be a
better place. Oh well.

> Guess we all better fold up and hand the kernel
> over to you so you can move everything into the kernel.

Note that KGI does not "move everything into the kernel" at all.

Currently, we treat AGP cards like PCI cards. We treat PCI cards
as if PCI did not support DMA and IRQs.

The Matrox Millennium uses busmastering scatter-gather DMA with an IRQ.
We don't get to use features like that. Newer AGP cards can initiate
such transfers on their own, perhaps with page table awareness.

The i740 can issue multiple requests for texture data stored in main memory.
Don't think "WinVideo" here, since the chip uses several MB of local
memory while simultaneously fetching from main memory at 533 MB/s.
On a good machine, that could mean hundreds of MB of textures.

> (I'm an x86 user, by the way, so your ultimate argument doesn't apply.

No, you have different reasons than he does. You are willing to give up
stability for a tiny bit of speed on low-end hardware. He has an Amiga.
The only thing you have in common is a "screw you" attitude towards
people who want stable PC video and/or want to use advanced features.

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