Re: Patches vs complete tarballs....

Rik van Riel (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 19:31:51 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 11 Aug 1998, John Cochran wrote:

> However, in my defense, I have to point out a problem with the patches...

They are.

> The method I'm using to apply the patches is as follows:
> 1. uncompress and untar the original unaltered source into a directory.
> 2. cd into said directory
> 3. patch -p2 < patch_file > results

Use patch -p1; the file after the +++ is the filename that
will always succeed, the --- filename has a dir extra and
might not always work (because it might not exist yet as
the file concerned is a new file).

Alternatively, use the script /usr/src/linux/scripts/patch-kernel,
which will automatically upgrade your kernel for you :-)

> 4. examine results
> Now, I'm willing to admit that I might be doing something wrong. However,
> if you expect to get the average user to trust using patches to upgrade
> their kernel, then it is imperative that the patches apply completely and
> without any errors when applied over an unaltered version of the source.

The biggest problem with average users is that they don't read the

Maybe it's time for a Documentation/UPGRADE file explaining why
people should use patches, how they can (safely) use them and
that they should keep their sources clean before patching stuff :-)

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