[OFFTOPIC] Re: DEVFSv50 and /dev/fb? (or /dev/fb/? ???)

Eric McDonald (eric@pm303-13.dialip.mich.net)
Tue, 11 Aug 1998 20:18:29 -0400 (EDT)

> | IBM an active supporter of Linux? That would be nice.
> +--->8
> Only if their Linux support is better than their support of certain of their
> own OSes....

That would still be better than what Sun did: they released their
SunOS/Solaris binaries as "free software" for all non-commercial users.
I'm not that upset about it, but I think it is counterproductive to the
free software movement, including Linux.

(For those who haven't seen, and might care, it is (or was) the second
press release in the press releases section at www.sun.com.)

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