Re: your mail

Zlatko Calusic (
12 Aug 1998 01:22:26 +0200 (Alan Cox) writes:

> > Suppose somebody writes support for S3Trio (and other cards that are
> > VESA 1.2 compliant), so they became VESA 2.0 compliant. Something like
> > UNIVBE and S3VBE20 for MS-DOG. It would probably go in video.S.
> >
> > Would something like that find a way to official kernel?
> > Is it even possible to write something like that?
> You'd be better off writing some svga drivers for fbcon - I'd suggest
> you start by talking to the kgicon guys. Why fight the crude VESA interfaces
> when you can write the code in 32bit C anyway ?
> Alan

You're definitely right, but would I have a penguin at boot in that

I haven't investigated Linux video subsytem that much, so I don't

And before you ask, here's copy of the private reply I just sent to a
guy, so you understand my reasoning.

I just *looove* that small penguin. :)

> > Have you tried loading the driver under OpenDOS or FreeDOS?
> >
> Well, that would probably work, but would still remind me of those
> dark black ages when we were happy running DOS on a true 16bit machine
> (unlike those mortals, still on 8bit beasts). :)
> Also, I don't like using any other OS on this computer or booting
> through loadlin, since it makes me happy it is only Linux on it.
> I show it to unbelievers, I burn CD's for them, I show them games
> (that few that we have), I play music for them, and generally, I show
> them how fast it is. It would be a shame if they accidentaly saw that
> I have to boot some inferior quasi-OS, in order to have nice small
> picture at bootup. :)
> But anyway, thanks for the suggestion. You have a point there.


P.S. I managed to mess headers in my original message, so mail did not
make it to Geert. I hope all goes well this time. Or should I open him
an account at atlas. :)

Posted by Zlatko Calusic           E-mail: <>
		Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

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