Re: Foot-in-mouth: Re: [PATCH] [SECURITY] suid procs exec'd with bad 0,1,2

L. Adrian Griffis (
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 19:33:45 -0500

Perry Harrington wrote:
> Incidentally, changing whether the stack grows up or down
> would fix it, because you want the stack to grow in the
> same direction that a memory write goes, so that you're
> not writing the return address AFTER the stack buffers in
> memory, this is what grow downs do.

I'm not so sure about that. Suppose we have the following
on a pushdown stack:

| ret-addr; caller of MyCarelessFunction
| some automatic variables
| char buffer[80]; /* I pass this to gets() */
| some more automatic variables
| ret-addr; my call to gets()

This is a picture of the stack during an ill considered
call to gets(). In other words, gets() is running right
now, and is about to copy a long line that some cracker
has fed to my poorly written program into the buffer
shown. If the copy goes up, it writes over the return
address for the call to MyCarelessFunction(), so when
I return, the cracker gets control. If the copy goes
down, it writes over the return address for my call
to gets(), so the cracker gets control sooner. In
either case, the cracker gets control.

> Maybe I'm blowing monkeys out my arse, I'm not sure.

It was a good thought. Don't let me discourage you

L. Adrian Griffis - KE6CSX -

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