Re: DEVFSv50 and /dev/fb? (or /dev/fb/? ???)

Shawn Leas (
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 20:01:21 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 11 Aug 1998, Chris Wedgwood wrote:

> As many people have pointed out - you can populate the necessary
> devices in userland, and it need be no less convenient that devfs.

There is not code that handles as many situations as gracefully and
centrally as the DevFS. If you have one, post a URL.

> There is no doubt devfs is a nice way to side step a number of
> awkward issues, but that doesn't make it an optimal solution for
> everyone.

It does not sidestep anything. It solves the problem in a way that
precludes the existance of said problems in the first place.

It, or differing configurations of it, do not break a damn thing. The
only issue is disagreements on what level of device mgmt should be
STRICTLY out of the kernel. This is a pretty lame point, too, because
devfs still lets you manage everything from userland in the same way one
would w/out it. Hell, Richard has even stated that it would be a
possibility to use it as simply a /dev population mechanism using a devfsd
proggie. What problem does anyone have with that???

> I speak only for me - but the thing I hold the most against devfs is
> the number of fanatical message I've seen pointing out how wonderful
> it is ignoring any and all rebuttal or criticisms.

Ignoring what points? We ignore nothing, read some of Terry's posts,
there's some ignoring going on there.

> devfs is/has become a religious issue much the same and GGI/KGI. Can
> you please let this die or take it elsewhere? I'm even offering to
> start a list if it will help ( if
> anybody wants it).

It seems to be starting to quiet down, thankfully. However, I think we've
simply reached an impass with those who simply preach the gospel of how
device mgmt just HAS to be because they say so.

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