Re: pre-2.1.116-1 breaks Cyrix 6x86 support

Linus Torvalds (
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 09:16:31 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Rafael Reilova wrote:
> If there is no way to force gcc to keep the order right (in all cases),
> could we keep the fixed inline asm functions for setC6x86() and getC6x86()
> I sent you and leave this alone, (please!).

Actually, gcc always keeps the order of IO instructions. The problem here
was that the getcx/setcx stuff was changed to macros, and when used as
macros the ordering was not well-defined for the case where you nest them.

Fixed, I'll make a pre-116-2 soon for cyrix users to test..


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