Re: PPP --- TCP bad checksums

Samuli Kaski (
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 17:39:38 +0300 (EEST)

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

> > There have been many reports that use if VJ compression triggers errors
> > with some ISP equipment. You might try turning that option off an seeing
> > what happens.
> Be that as it may (and its definitely the case) it doesn't cover the
> "2.0.35 works perfectly" cases. All of these appear to be PPP - is anyone
> seeing them wit SLIP (does anyone run SLIP any more)

I am but I'm not seeing any with vj turned off. With vj on, I see them.
This is with 2.1.105 but I think I saw them with 2.0.34 also, both SLIP
and PPP. I'm running a leased line though...

All it takes to trigger them is to fire up a network quake play (UDP)
and watch most of open TCP connections (ssh, imap, irc, etc) cause them.
I see some Socket destroy delayed's also, but they happen even when vj
is off.

Samuli Kaski,
Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland.

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