2.1.115 and autofs

Ruud van Hemert (rvanhem@cistron.nl)
9 Aug 1998 23:25:21 GMT

Howdy all,

Running 2.1.115 with Unix98 PTYs on a Debian 2.0 system with autofs 1.3.1
is giving me some trouble.
Normaly the autofs script runs from /etc/init.d/ but as soon as I try to
login (as root or user) the mountattempts doesn't succeed and the login
is hanging. I have already changed the sequence of the scripts, so it is
absolutely the last one before giving me the loginprompt. No effect...

However, if I take out the script from the bootcyclus, first login as root
and then run the autofs-script by hand everything is fine and the remote-dirs
are mounted.
It looks like root has to be logged in before autofs can do it's job ;-)
This happens on 2.1.115, 2.1.115-ac1 and 2.1.115-ac2
Didn't had this problem in many other versions and in 2.1.111 I can still
use autofs in the way it should.

Somebody any idea's about this strange behavior ?

Ruud van Hemert

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