Oops with isofs on Alpha

Arnaud Installe (gmeb@ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be)
Tue, 4 Aug 1998 01:16:16 +0200

Whenever I try to mount an ISO9660 filesystem I get an oops. If I
remember correctly I've also tried to compile a non-modular 2.1 kernel,
with the same problem.
The output below is from Linux 2.1.112, running on an Alpha XLT-366.
Ksymoops doesn't seem to work for Alpha, so I had to find the addresses by
hand. I hope I didn't make any mistakes.

Vfat doesn't seem to work on the 2.1 kernels/Alpha either, but that
doesn't give an oops. It just seems to go to sleep forever. (The
mount-process, not the kernel.)

Screen output:

root@bach:~# modprobe isofs
root@bach:~# mount /mnt/cdrom/
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi1, channel 0, id 3, lun 0
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address fffffe000001bb08
mount(1205): Oops 0
pc = [<fffffe000000ea9c>] ra = [<fffffe000000f29c>] ps = 0000
r0 = fffffc000046d6d8 r1 = 000000000000016d r2 = 0000000000010061
r3 = ffffffffffff006e r4 = 0000000000007961 r5 = 0000000000797961
r6 = 000000006e797961 r7 = ffffffffffff736e r8 = fffffc000315c000
r9 = fffffc000213e000 r10= fffffc000046d6d8 r11= fffffc000315fd38
r12= 0000000000000000 r13= 0000000000000000 r14= 0000000000000000
r15= 0000000000000000
r16= fffffc000213e000 r17= fffffc000315fd38 r18= 0000000000000000
r19= 0000000000000000 r20= ffffffffd505a673 r21= 0000000000000001
r22= 0000000000016900 r23= 0000000000204080 r24= c200000000000000
r25= 000001df471b6800 r27= fffffe000000f1e8 r28= fffffc0000439f20
gp = fffffe000001bb08 sp = fffffc000315fcc8
Code: 46dff116 b2cb0020 e6000196 <a63d0000> c3e0018e 47ff041f 47ff041f 47ff041f 47ff041f
Trace: [<fffffc0000343df0>] [<fffffc0000343db4>] [<fffffc0000344644>] [<fffffc0000344cf4>] [<fffffc0000310ba8>]
Segmentation fault

Trace output:

Mapping the addresses from the trace output to functions gives:


if I calculated those correctly...

Parts of System.map used for mapping addresses to functions:


fffffc0000310ae8 T alpha_switch_to
fffffc0000310b00 T entSys
fffffc0000310bc0 T ret_from_sys_call


fffffc0000343c50 t get_empty_super
fffffc0000343d00 t read_super
fffffc0000343e78 T get_unnamed_dev
fffffc0000343ef8 T put_unnamed_dev
fffffc0000343f88 t d_umount
fffffc0000344020 t d_mount
fffffc0000344078 t do_umount
fffffc0000344268 t umount_dev
fffffc00003443b8 T sys_umount
fffffc00003444d8 T fs_may_mount
fffffc0000344528 T do_mount
fffffc0000344708 t do_remount_sb
fffffc0000344820 t do_remount
fffffc0000344908 t copy_mount_options
fffffc0000344a60 T sys_mount
fffffc0000344da0 T block_write


fffffc000047dc7c A _end

Assembly listing of read_super:

0000000000001040 <read_super> 27bb0000 ldah gp,0(t12)
0000000000001044 <read_super+4> 23bd0000 lda gp,0(gp)
0000000000001048 <read_super+8> 23deffc0 lda sp,-64(sp)
000000000000104c <read_super+c> b75e0000 stq ra,0(sp)
0000000000001050 <read_super+10> b53e0008 stq s0,8(sp)
0000000000001054 <read_super+14> b55e0010 stq s1,16(sp)
0000000000001058 <read_super+18> b57e0018 stq s2,24(sp)
000000000000105c <read_super+1c> b59e0020 stq s3,32(sp)
0000000000001060 <read_super+20> b5be0028 stq s4,40(sp)
0000000000001064 <read_super+24> b5de0030 stq s5,48(sp)
0000000000001068 <read_super+28> b5fe0038 stq fp,56(sp)
000000000000106c <read_super+2c> 4610040a mov a0,s1
0000000000001070 <read_super+30> 4631040c mov a1,s3
0000000000001074 <read_super+34> 4652040d mov a2,s4
0000000000001078 <read_super+38> 4673040e mov a3,s5
000000000000107c <read_super+3c> 4694040f mov a4,fp
0000000000001080 <read_super+40> e540003e beq s1,000000000000117c <read_super+13c>
0000000000001084 <read_super+44> a77d0000 ldq t12,0(gp)
0000000000001088 <read_super+48> 6b5b4000 jsr ra,(t12),000000000000108c <read_super+4c>
000000000000108c <read_super+4c> 27ba0000 ldah gp,0(ra)
0000000000001090 <read_super+50> 23bd0000 lda gp,0(gp)
0000000000001094 <read_super+54> 454a0410 mov s1,a0
0000000000001098 <read_super+58> d35fff59 bsr ra,0000000000000e00 <get_super+8>
000000000000109c <read_super+5c> 44000409 mov v0,s0
00000000000010a0 <read_super+60> f520002e bne s0,000000000000115c <read_super+11c>
00000000000010a4 <read_super+64> 458c0410 mov s3,a0
00000000000010a8 <read_super+68> d35ffe99 bsr ra,0000000000000b10 <get_fs_type+8>
00000000000010ac <read_super+6c> 4400040b mov v0,s2
00000000000010b0 <read_super+70> f560000f bne s2,00000000000010f0 <read_super+b0>
00000000000010b4 <read_super+74> 454a0410 mov s1,a0
00000000000010b8 <read_super+78> a77d0000 ldq t12,0(gp)
00000000000010bc <read_super+7c> 6b5b4000 jsr ra,(t12),00000000000010c0 <read_super+80>
00000000000010c0 <read_super+80> 27ba0000 ldah gp,0(ra)
00000000000010c4 <read_super+84> 23bd0000 lda gp,0(gp)
00000000000010c8 <read_super+88> a61d0000 ldq a0,0(gp)
00000000000010cc <read_super+8c> 44000411 mov v0,a1
00000000000010d0 <read_super+90> 458c0412 mov s3,a2
00000000000010d4 <read_super+94> a77d0000 ldq t12,0(gp)
00000000000010d8 <read_super+98> 6b5b4000 jsr ra,(t12),00000000000010dc <read_super+9c>
00000000000010dc <read_super+9c> 27ba0000 ldah gp,0(ra)
00000000000010e0 <read_super+a0> 23bd0000 lda gp,0(gp)
00000000000010e4 <read_super+a4> c3e0001d br 000000000000115c <read_super+11c>
00000000000010e8 <read_super+a8> 47ff041f nop
00000000000010ec <read_super+ac> 47ff041f nop
00000000000010f0 <read_super+b0> d35fffa9 bsr ra,0000000000000f98 <get_empty_super+8>
00000000000010f4 <read_super+b4> 44000409 mov v0,s0
00000000000010f8 <read_super+b8> e5200018 beq s0,000000000000115c <read_super+11c>
00000000000010fc <read_super+bc> a0290000 ldl t0,0(s0)
0000000000001100 <read_super+c0> a0490010 ldl t1,16(s0)
0000000000001104 <read_super+c4> b5a90030 stq s4,48(s0)
0000000000001108 <read_super+c8> 45290410 mov s0,a0
000000000000110c <read_super+cc> 45ce0411 mov s5,a1
0000000000001110 <read_super+d0> 483f9621 zapnot t0,0xfc,t0
0000000000001114 <read_super+d4> 45410401 or s1,t0,t0
0000000000001118 <read_super+d8> b0290000 stl t0,0(s0)
000000000000111c <read_super+dc> 485ef622 zapnot t1,0xf7,t1
0000000000001120 <read_super+e0> b0490010 stl t1,16(s0)
0000000000001124 <read_super+e4> a76b0010 ldq t12,16(s2)
0000000000001128 <read_super+e8> 45ef0412 mov fp,a2
000000000000112c <read_super+ec> 6b5b4000 jsr ra,(t12),0000000000001130 <read_super+f0>
0000000000001130 <read_super+f0> 27ba0000 ldah gp,0(ra)
0000000000001134 <read_super+f4> 23bd0000 lda gp,0(gp)
0000000000001138 <read_super+f8> e400000d beq v0,0000000000001170 <read_super+130>
000000000000113c <read_super+fc> a0290000 ldl t0,0(s0)
0000000000001140 <read_super+100> a0490010 ldl t1,16(s0)
0000000000001144 <read_super+104> b5690018 stq s2,24(s0)
0000000000001148 <read_super+108> 483f9621 zapnot t0,0xfc,t0
000000000000114c <read_super+10c> 45410401 or s1,t0,t0
0000000000001150 <read_super+110> b0290000 stl t0,0(s0)
0000000000001154 <read_super+114> 485f7622 zapnot t1,0xfb,t1
0000000000001158 <read_super+118> b0490010 stl t1,16(s0)
000000000000115c <read_super+11c> 45290400 mov s0,v0
0000000000001160 <read_super+120> c3e0000b br 0000000000001190 <read_super+150>
0000000000001164 <read_super+124> 47ff041f nop
0000000000001168 <read_super+128> 47ff041f nop
000000000000116c <read_super+12c> 47ff041f nop
0000000000001170 <read_super+130> a0290000 ldl t0,0(s0)
0000000000001174 <read_super+134> 483f9621 zapnot t0,0xfc,t0
0000000000001178 <read_super+138> b0290000 stl t0,0(s0)
000000000000117c <read_super+13c> 47ff0409 clr s0
0000000000001180 <read_super+140> c3fffff6 br 000000000000115c <read_super+11c>
0000000000001184 <read_super+144> 47ff041f nop
0000000000001188 <read_super+148> 47ff041f nop
000000000000118c <read_super+14c> 47ff041f nop
0000000000001190 <read_super+150> a75e0000 ldq ra,0(sp)
0000000000001194 <read_super+154> a53e0008 ldq s0,8(sp)
0000000000001198 <read_super+158> a55e0010 ldq s1,16(sp)
000000000000119c <read_super+15c> a57e0018 ldq s2,24(sp)
00000000000011a0 <read_super+160> a59e0020 ldq s3,32(sp)
00000000000011a4 <read_super+164> a5be0028 ldq s4,40(sp)
00000000000011a8 <read_super+168> a5de0030 ldq s5,48(sp)
00000000000011ac <read_super+16c> a5fe0038 ldq fp,56(sp)
00000000000011b0 <read_super+170> 43c8141e addq sp,0x40,sp
00000000000011b4 <read_super+174> 6bfa8001 ret zero,(ra),0x1

Arnaud Installe                                 arnaud.installe@advalvas.be 

Since we have to speak well of the dead, let's knock them while they're alive. -- John Sloan

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