Re: full of lamers not using mirrors. (Possible f

A Guy Called Tyketto (
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:03:30 +0000

On %M 0, Perry Harrington <> etched in stone:
> The LEAST that the webmaster could do is post a list of sites that mirror them!
> --Perry

This may be unrelated to the number of users being connected to, but it will definitely have something to do with the transfer
rates of the file, and the possible load average on the server. But.. if you do
a showmount -a on, you'll find a what seems to be ENDLESS list
of sites mounting the /pub directory. All those sites, copying the same files,
possibly at the same time.. Flame away if I'm wrong, but that could seriously
hamper response time.

Lately, when new kernels are released, I've been waiting the 4 or so
hours for things to be mirrored at, and grabbing it from
there (ncftp starts timing out from the DL from about 3 minutes into
it's estimated 78 minute transfer. ;) ).

IMHO, any mirroring scheme that crops up, will be good for me. I'll
leave that to the gods-that-be for that. ;)


Brad Littlejohn                         | Email: 
Unix Systems Administrator,             |  
WebMaster, NewsMaster.. Smeghead! :)    |
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