Re: Strange interrupt behaviour

Linus Torvalds (
Wed, 15 Jul 1998 09:42:11 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, Dustin Marquess wrote:
> I currently have a 386DX/33 system with 8MB RAM running as a
> dedicated router using the 2.1.107vger source tree.. works great... I
> haven't had any problems with memory usage yet... It uses IP Masq for
> outgoing connections and IP portfw for incoming, and it works like a
> champ...

For certain uses 2.1.x will act pretty much like 2.0.x. Acting as a router
is one of them - the problems tend to show up only when forking and when
handling big NFS packets (and 2.0.x actually has the same problem when it
comes to NFS, so I guess the only case is forking).

There's a separate issue that we use more memory for caching, and that can
result in different kinds of performance problems on small-memory
machines, but that tends to happen only with more filesystem activity
going on (ie again a router won't ever really see that difference).


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