null pointers are bad. :)

Elijah L. Wright (
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 17:16:52 -0500 (CDT)

Geert said:

>> Linux version 2.1.107 (kraxel@bogomips) (gcc version #2 Sun
>> Jun 28 17:55:25 MEST 1998
>> kmem_alloc: NULL ptr (name=unknown)
>> fb0: VGA frame buffer device, using 32K of video memory
>> kmem_alloc: NULL ptr (name=unknown)
>These NULL ptrs are harmless.
> Geert

"harmless" isn't a word i'd use :)

So what exactly in the fbcon code is causing those? In my mind, at least,
an error is either a sign of A) sloppy/careless code or B) a Security
hole from hell. I'm moderately worried that some genius hacker will come
up with an exploit and use it to have some midnight fun :)

Just to voice an opinion, fixing those would suuuure make me more likely
to trust the stability and security of the fbcon layer. :) if the rest
of the kernel isn't griping and it compiles cleanly, then it "probably"
works fairly well. :)

then again, i'm probably being a little bit anal about this, and should
probably reinsert my foot in my mouth. :)

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