Re: [PATCH] /proc/config.gz (take #2)

Peter T. Breuer (
Sun, 31 May 1998 02:46:43 +0200 (MET DST)

"A month of sundays ago Nicholas J. Leon wrote:"
> On Sun, 31 May 1998, Peter T. Breuer wrote:
> # Looks v. interesting. Do you have a version for 2.0.*, before I set
> # about hacking yours?
> Unfortunately, no. But it surely shouldn't be difficult to do. When you
> are done, could you send me a copy directly?? Thankx!

OK - I put zero intellectual effort into it and reworked yours for
2.0.25. It's compiling now. Yep - done. I'll send it later or tomorrow
if it does anything right (I'll have to play with the proc entry struct, I

I noticed that your patch adds PROC_CONFIG _before_ the end of the
enumerated type. IMO that's a maintenance no-no, so I moved it. Your
C code was very expert so you may well know something I don't here!
I also didn't really follow the way that,
makeproconfig.c and various other things all interacted. You may want
to simplify that .. I was getting lost. All you want is to generate
the kernel/config.c file, so why isn't a single shell script good
enough? The Makefile now goes out of its way to call the configure
script exactly once with new arguments -di (not -d) and you inserted
an extra trap in readln of Configure to deal with it, while I didn't
grok what it did. All that felt like unnecessary complication! Maybe
you could add in your reply as comments to the changes? I'd like that.

Then we have to add #ifdef CONFIG_CONFIG everywhere (;-).


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