Re: RPMs :o(

Chris Allegretta (
Tue, 19 May 1998 22:35:58 -0500 (EST)

// I've just been given a .RPM - no tar.gz packages available :o( Is there a
// rpm to tar.gz converter out there?

If none of the other replies so far appeals to you, there is always
rpm2tgz available in the slackware distribution's contrib directory. One
address to it is:

Hope this helps,

- --
_Chris Allegretta_________________________________________________________
| |
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| Classroom/Labs Technician/HelpDesk Member |
| Computer Support Services, Plattsburgh State University of NY |
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| Linux astyanax 2.1.102 #7 Fri May 15 10:43:34 EST 1998 i586 unknown |
"And I don't like what you've got me hangin from..."

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