> 1. Use a text only mode.
> 2. Can the video card support 640x480x16M? If so, use it.
> 3. Can the video card support 640x480x64K? If so, use it.
> 4. Can the video card support 640x480x256? If so, use it.
> 5. Can the video card support 320x200x256? If so, use it.
> 6. Can the video card support 640x480x16? If so, use it.
> 7. Can the video card support 320x200x16? If so, use it.
> 8. Does the card support graphics? If so, use the lowest mode it
> supports.
-- Patrick St. Jean '97 XLH 883 Programmer & Systems Administrator +1 713-977-4177 x115 Larson Software Technology
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